How to maintain the car suspension system?
What are struts and shocks?
Struts and shock absorbers are part of the vehicle's suspension system. They prevent the vehicle from bouncing at the most basic level and provide damping over bumpy and uneven terrain.Both are filled with oil or gas, which compresses vehicles internally as they travel uneven roads.So much for the shock absorbers.However, the struts have another function: vehicle structure and support.The most common and effective type of support rod is the overlaying support rod, in which the coil spring is positioned on a high position on the support rod and is held in place by the top bracket.In this type of setting, struts provide damping to help control the movement of springs and serve as structural mounting points that eventually connect the wheels to the body.
Do different cars have different types?
Yes!!! Some vehicles have a shock absorber on each wheel (usually older vehicles and trucks), while others have a pillar on each wheel.Many modern vehicles have struts at the front and shock absorbers at the rear.Struts provide a compact combination of structure and damping and are therefore ideal for vehicles with little available space on the front axle.While all vehicles have impact or support, some high-end and luxury vehicles do, using compressed air for leveling, additional damping, and ride height control.These air suspension systems are less common and more expensive to maintain.They are usually found in high-end German cars.
Why do they fail?
The most common cause of strut or shock failure is aging and use.Over time, the internal seals will break and allow the internal oil or gas to leak.This leak may occur internally or externally, so the part may not be visibly wet externally, but it may still fail.In general, vehicles that spend most of their time on highways have longer poles and/or impact durations than vehicles that drive more on city streets and stop for traffic, because the suspension has to do a lot of work for each type of driving.Less common causes of failure include rusting (which can accelerate external leakage) and impact (such as potholes, but impact/strut due to impact is usually close to life).

How will I know if a shock or strut needs to be replaced?
The driver of the vehicle may not notice any difference under normal driving conditions, but it should be replaced when there is an electric shock or excessive leakage of fluid from the prop.However, sometimes the strut/shock failure can be very noticeable and may manifest as severe bouncing or bumping.Tyre wear may also be uneven due to wear on suspension components.In most cases, it can be very difficult to detect the impact or support of a failure because the deterioration of the part occurs very slowly and steadily over time.
What if I don’t replace my struts or shocks when they fail?
Generally, strut wear and vibration do not pose the same dire safety risks as brake system failures.However, safety issues can still arise.The most common is poor overall handling on cornering and rough roads (in severe cases, this can cause the vehicle to lose control completely).Another side effect is the increased braking distance due to the increased bounce of the suspension.Tyre wear will also be uneven, because tyre contact with the road is not as stable as new impact or support.
What does it cost, and why?
The replacement of shocks and struts can range from relatively small maintenance costs to substantial costs.If the vehicle is equipped with shock absorbers, the cost of replacement on both sides may be about $300-400.However, support rods are usually much more expensive.Each strut is a larger, structurally essential component, and requires more extensive disassembly to be removed and replaced.The spring must be safely compressed and the top fastener removed before the strut can be replaced.Depending on the vehicle, the replacement of two support rods can cost anywhere from $600 to $1,200.
Is there anything I should replace at the same time?
First, it is recommended to replace the shock or prop on the shaft simultaneously.For example, if the left front brace fails on the vehicle, both should replace the front brace to ensure uniform handling and prevent premature wear of the new component.Sometimes, it is recommended to replace other components on a case-by-case basis.The most common example is the top support frame (rubber components with bearings wear out over time).Less commonly, coil springs need to be replaced with struts (this is more common in rusting problems).When replacing the pole, it may be necessary to replace other parts, such as swing bar linkages, because sometimes they break during disassembly to enter the pole (again, more common in states with rust problems).Finally, although it is not a part to be replaced, it should sometimes be aligned after the pillar is replaced.
Is there anything I can do to lower the cost of repair?
This may sound counterintuitive, but preventively (or replacing struts and shocks immediately when a failure occurs) is often the most cost-effective option.By replacing these components in a timely manner, unnecessary wear and tear can be prevented.If a faulty strut/shock is left on the vehicle, it may cause premature failure of other parts (usually in the form of tire wear, but may also cause brake wear due to increased braking distance).As with many other repairs, inexpensive parts can be used, but they usually don't last as long as high-quality, brand-name parts (such as KYB, Monroe, Bilstein, etc.).Installing the cheapest part may sometimes be cheaper, but in the long run it may require more frequent replacement and may become a more expensive option.
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